If you are trying to bulk import your current DNS data into pfSense, the built-in pfSense shell comes in handy.
First, get your current data into a file with 2 columns like this:
name.domain.com. name2.domain2.com. name3.domain2.de.
Then run the following script – modify it to your needs – which will print out the commands for the pfSense shell:
echo "global \$config;" echo "parse_config(true);" index=0 cat alldns.txt | while read name ip do hostname=$(echo $name | cut -d '.' -f 1) domain=$(echo $name | cut -d '.' -f 2- | sed -e 's/\.$//') echo "\$config['unbound']['hosts']['$index']['host']=\"$hostname\";" echo "\$config['unbound']['hosts']['$index']['domain']=\"$domain\";" echo "\$config['unbound']['hosts']['$index']['ip']=\"$ip\";" echo "\$config['unbound']['hosts']['$index']['descr']=\"Automatically migrated\";" let index=$index+1 done echo "write_config();" echo "exec"
This will generate the following output, ready to paste into the pfSense shell:
global $config; parse_config(true); $config['unbound']['hosts']['0']['host']="name"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['0']['domain']="domain.com"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['0']['ip']=""; $config['unbound']['hosts']['0']['descr']="Automatically migrated"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['1']['host']="name2"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['1']['domain']="domain2.com"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['1']['ip']=""; $config['unbound']['hosts']['1']['descr']="Automatically migrated"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['2']['host']="name3"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['2']['domain']="domain2.de"; $config['unbound']['hosts']['2']['ip']=""; $config['unbound']['hosts']['2']['descr']="Automatically migrated"; write_config(); exec
Please keep in mind the index starts at 0, valid for an empty list of host names in your pfSense Unbound/DNS configuration. For each already existing entry you have to add 1 to the starting index of 0.